The Durango Railroad Historical Society (DRHS) was founded in 1999 and established as a Colorado non-profit corporation in March of 2000 and tax-except under IRS Code Section 501(c)(3). The catalyst for its formation was restoring D&RGW C-18 Consolidation Locomotive #315 in Santa Rita Park in south Durango.
Durango Railroad Historical Society is comprised of a dedicated group of individuals who are united by their interest in narrow gauge railroading and focus on the preservation of southwest Colorado’s railroad history.
The Society is most known for its work restoring locomotive D&RGW 315. Complementing the restoration is a big book about the history, restoration, and technology of the 315 and interpretative signs on its history and restoration.
In a joint project with the San Juan County Historical Society, the two Societies reconstructed a section of Silverton Northern track and restored the engine and car pits inside the SN engine house and the engine doors. They created interpretative signs about the historical railroads of Silverton, placed in Silverton.
The long-term program is to restore a series of freight cars. Current projects are restoring a drop bottom gondola and a high side gondola and creating interpretative signs about them.